Saturday, January 4, 2020

Serial Killers A Good Thing For A Mother Essay - 1767 Words

It is a good thing for a mother to develop a strong relationship with their son or daughter. There is however a line that shouldn’t be crossed where having a very strong relationship with your son/mother is normal and healthy becomes a more bizarre closeness between the two. This can become a very strange, awkward situation for the child not understanding the boundaries. Cases have been reported of a mother and a child’s relationship even becomes sexual in nature, further confusing the child and creating a greater chance of sexual problems in their future. Many serial killers reported a higher than average sex drive Even though abuse is extremely prevalent in one way shape or form, not all individuals who grow up to become serial killers were abused, Jeffery Dahmer for examples, supposedly was never abused and is claimed to have had a pretty â€Å"normal† childhood and upbringing. So although a lot of serial killers have many of the same experiences as chil dren and young adults, it proves that there is no specific exact evidence that says what causes someone to carry out such acts. Differences and Demographics When comparing individuals who become serial killers and their upbringing and trying to understand why and/or how they could do the things they do, you will find a lot of similarities that may help explain their behavior. But complicating things even more in trying to understand these individuals is the fact that they can be so different. Dr. H.H. Holmes isShow MoreRelatedTwo Articles on the Motives and Mind of a Serial Killer1470 Words   |  6 Pages The mind of a serial killer can be very interesting in being able to find out what makes them want to do what they do. Knowing if someone was abused as a child and if this makes them more likely to become a serial killer or not become a serial killer is something I was very curious to learn about. 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He went into the military, and it seemed to us that he was traveling in the right direction in life. It floored us to hear of the things he had done† (W.Meirhofer, personal communication, October18, 2014) My father and Meirhofer’s uncle, Lou Carlassara, said, â€Å"I was very young whenRead MoreEdmond Kemper: Nurture or Nature1016 Words   |  5 PagesSometimes considered disgusting, cruel, terrible, or unforgivable, serial killers could arguably have a reason for their madness. Beaten as a child, raped, or even for left to die could spark what could soon become disastrous. Some serial killers do it for the fun of it, but for the most part they do it because of a poor childhood and upbringing. This is what some believe to be the reasons for the killings done by The Coed Killer, Edmond Kemper. 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